What Does More Ram Do For Gaming & How Much Should I Get?

What Does More Ram Do For Gaming 

 RAM speed is an interesting topic & something that confuses many users, leading them to wonder if make sense to spend a lot of money? Or should you be conservative? And exactly how important is RAM for a high-end gaming experience? Keep reading this article, and we will break down all your questions.

The answer to the question of “What Does More RAM Do For Gaming.” RAM is the component that stores vital variables contents on your PC, as once you launch an application on your computer, the RAM actively participates in loading it. Thus for gaming, this means RAM temporarily stores files for that particular game, allowing them to load much faster than if they were solely stored on the hard drive directly. Furthermore, bigger and quicker RAM is preferred as it improves the user’s overall gaming experience leading to faster load times and faster read applications.

Does Ram Increases Gaming Performance 

RAM does affect gaming and system performance. If your system does not have enough RAM, you will most definitely experience performance issues, commonly seen are system notifications alerting you that you are running out of system memory. 

Gaming RAM
Gaming RAM

The effects of low RAM makes it challenging to perform applications such as running multiple programs at once. Additionally, it also means you will experience lag and stuttering while playing your games in terms of gaming. We would suggest that every gaming configured PC should carry at least 8 GB of RAM, and if you’d like to be on the safe side, we would say 16 GB preferred. 

This will be more than enough to cover the majority of AAA title games, as well as applications. Some users incorporate 32GB of RAM, which is the right choice for severe competitive gaming or future-proofing your system and with anything more than that being unnecessary.

How Much Ram Do I Need For Gaming –

The amount of RAM you should avail yourself of can be a tricky question as if you happen to purchase too low of RAM, such as 4GB, this will significantly impact your gaming performance. Causing your games and applications to have less memory to perform applications such as loading data sets, game engine, lighting, levels textures, ultimately resulting in a lackluster choppier gaming experience.


Although it may seem like a simple solution to simply just adding more RAM, there’s only so much more RAM you can add before a large portion of it becomes unused. A good example would be having a particular game that only uses a maximum of 4 GB of RAM purchasing 8GB of RAM would be a waste as you will remain with the extra 4GB of unused RAM.

However, we would say it would be better to have rather more RAM available to you than not enough. As it’s not only an in-game application that utilizes RAM systems such as web browsers, recording techniques, and steam software, all utilize RAM in the background, which should be accounted for.

In today’s gaming scene, we would say anywhere between 8 to 16 GB of RAM will be more than enough to comfortably power the majority of games. If possible, 16GB of RAM is preferred as it will be the perfect sweet spot as you won’t run out of RAM when gaming and performing other applications and will be able to last you well into the future. 8 GB of RAM is still usable, but it would be more for budget builds, and you may encounter some glimpse of difficulty when accessing more demanding games.

What To Look For When Choosing RAM?

Capacity: Look for RAM that is 8GB or larger, which is sufficient for larger games. And if you are building, make sure your pre built gaming PC can support it. If you build your gaming computer, look at the motherboard manufacturer’s to understand their compatibility

Understand: how much data can be transferred to the stick at one time. RAM runs on various frequencies; the higher the frequency, the better the performance.

Latency: It’s best to look for RAM that has low latencies. You’ll notice that latencies are described in four numbers, and these numbers tell you the latency of memory clocks for each task. All motherboards support all latencies. Thus, compatibility is no issue here.

Does RAM affect FPS –

The answer to this question varies on a multitude of components but generally: Yes, more RAM could increase your FPS as applications and games require a number of memory to function correctly, and this number can vary from game to game and application. Because some games require more memory than others, the setting in which you played these applications also affects memory.

As some may be more demanding than others to answer whether any more ram will increase your FPS, if you have a considerable amount of RAM such as 8GB or more adding a greater amount of ram, this will not have a noticeable effect. However, if you have a lower amount of RAM, such as 2-4 GB, adding more ram will increase your FPS as It will create a great amount of utilizable for your system.

Conclusion –

The simple answer is that RAM has a minimal impact on gaming past a certain threshold. As long as you keep your favorite games’ RAM requirements in mind, you won’t end up overspending on RAM.