
Requirements For A Good Gaming Pc

When choosing a new gaming desktop, there are several “Requirements For A Good Gaming Pc.” That will ensure that you’re getting your money worth. The most important feature in choosing a gaming Pc include:

  • Motherboard
  • Processor (CPU)
  • Memory (RAM)
  • Storage drive (Hard drive or SSD)
  • Graphics Card (GPU)
  • Power supply (PSU)
  • Cooling (fans, CPU cooler, etc.)

Even for primary home computer, the majority of these features will be necessary. All perhaps the graphics card as the majority of home computers intended use will be things such as onboard video processing and some will use drive multiple displays. However, the most of the PC will have the same crucial internal composition. Thus, you may wonder then what separates a gaming PC and a regular home computer. Furthermore, here are the requirements that create an excellent gaming PC.

The Processor –

The Processor is an essential feature of a gaming computer. While most games tend to use the GPU more intensively, the CPU is still a critical component to improve overall system performance.  Higher end gaming computers tend to use i5 or i7 or 8 core and beyond.  Although if you need a budget gaming computer, four cores will be suitable. However, we would recommend something such as an Intel Core i5 process; these seem to be the sweet spot between power and affordability for the majority of gaming computers. If you would like a computer with the ability to be overclocked, then you will need a “K” model, something such as a Core i5-6600K or Core i7-6700K. Thing such as storage, memory, and graphics cards are simple to modify and change. Though processors are difficult to upgrade some, we recommend when you are going to purchase your computer to search for the best processor possible to be able to offer greater longevity.

Internal Pc Processor
Pc Processor

 The Motherboard –

The motherboard is another vital piece in creating a great gaming computer. The motherboard and the chipset that equipped determines the type of processor that your computer will be able to handle. Also, other features such as the maximum number of USB port you can fit. When choosing your PC majority of people will begin with what motherboard the. Many gamers have leaned toward for the Intel Z170 chip.  One of the new chipsets that are compatible with Intel new Skylake Processors. The Z170 chipset also allows for two sought out gaming features. Overclocking and SLI, overclocking provides for you to manually change to the speed of the processor to your liking. SLI allows the use of multiple NVIDIA graphics cards. The X99 chipset is also a rising popularity chip. However, the processor does not have an onboard video processing thus a graphics card is required.

The Memory

For a PC to run smoothly, it needs certain elements. Such as enough RAM something such as a DDR3 RAM will be a worthy and inexpensive upgrade. A gaming computer should. Have at least 8GB, to be able to have sustainable performance, although if you would like the insurance to be able to handle all games and activities, 16GB will be a good alternative. Though, if your video games use system memory instead of supposed video memory on the graphics card (VRAM), the performance will already be impacted.


Finally, the things that set gaming computers is the dedicated graphics card. This is where you will get the most tracking regarding gaming performance. Thus we would recommend avoiding a low-quality card. Therefore when you are budgeting for a new gaming PC set aside a sum of money for a dedicated graphics card. A mid-range graphics card would be something such as an Nvidia GTX 960 or The AMD Radeon R9 380, which will offer a balance of price and performance. Playing with a cheap/ lower quality graphics card, you will notice a performance decline, the absolute most inferior graphics we would recommend is a GTX 1070.

Furthermore, for even higher performance you would search for solid state drive. While they’re not an absolute necessity, and SSD will offer faster start-ups and load times. All in all, you should look for a computer with an i5 processor, 8GB of RAM and a GPU that will be able to handle all games and applications.

Now, Let’s Go Further In-depth In What Other Components Matter When Choosing A Gaming Desktop

Firstly, you must choose which computer will be right for you and your needs. Thus Small Systems– These devices tend to have a slim design and can place in areas where larger desktops cannot fit. They are most suitable for gamers who do not have a large desktop area. However, when acquiring smaller computer things such as upgraded specs are limited and tend to produce more device noise.

Mid Tower Systems– Mid Tower are a good compromise for those who don’t want; you devise yet not a small either.  They typically offer upgradable options and cooling for noise reduction, though some may not find their design desirable.

Finally, Full Tower Systems– Typically these are the large devices you see.  The majority are too large to fit under a desk though are easily upgradeable and able to hand hardware that some smaller computer are unable to. However, these features come at a premium price.

The Processor (Further In-Depth)

As previously stated, whether you are choosing a custom model or a pre-made computer. The processor will be one of the specifications; you see because it determines how your system will perform in most software situations.

Processor Chip, Requirements For A Good Gaming Pc To Handle All Your Everyday Task
Processor Chip

The chooses that will be offered when choosing a processor will be a two, or six core. We would advise, towards a six-core processor unless you have a minimum budget. However, a two core processor will also work fine, but some games may require additional cores and can be devastating to a dual-core CPU.

Those who can afford. Usually lean towards the Intel eight-core processor or higher.  These chips come at a premium price. Thus, we would advise these to gamers who have an abundance of cash flow and want top tier profession performance. The series can go up to 18 cores; these include Cores like the  i9-7980XE which is priced at nearly USD 2000.

Thus, if you want a Core that will work and don’t want to ruin your budget “Intel” will be the way to go. Their eight-core chips are the best suit if you are on a budget. However, if you want better game performance, their Intel four and a six-core chip will also provide a great experience.

The GPU (Further In-Depth)

When choosing a PC, you may come to a crossroad between two cards that are similar but offer different memory. However, cause a PC has more memory, does not explicitly mean that it has overall better performance. Although, more memory does allow the video card to handle more data.

GPU Chip, Requirements For A Good Gaming Pc To Handle All Your Everyday Task
GPU Chip

We would advise at minimum 1GB of memory if you have a display that performance at 1080p resolutions. However, you will need at least 2GB of memory if your display performs at  1080p. Also, if your monitors’ resolution exceeds 1080p, then at a minimum you will need a memory of 3GB or 4GB if you want to be secure.

Multiple video cards, will not be recommended for most players.  This is a cause, Multi-Card configuration can often run into drive and game support issues limiting computer in reaching their full potential.

RAM (Further In-Depth)

There are specific devices such as the “Alienware Area 51 RS” that comes with 64GB of RAM. However, that will not be necessary for most people.

Alienware Area 51 R4 Intel Core i9-7920X 12 Core 2.9GHz - 4TB 7200RPM + 2TB SSD - 64GB DDR4 SDRAM - 2X SLI Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 TI 11GB GDDR5X - 1000W - Windows 10 Gaming Desktop
Alienware Area 51 R4 

RAM is something that is relatively inexpensive. Thus adding more system power through higher RAM performance, can be useless to uneducated consumers. The majority of games on the market can run on computers with only 8GB of RAM. For serious gamers that want to be able to run all game in smooth performance, we would advise a 16GB RAM.

Furthermore, additional memory doesn’t make a game run faster. It only needs that bare minimum for that specific game the rest, will merely sit unused. Thus any money that can be spent on RAM beyond the 16GB we would instead recommend for that to be used on other more prominent performance components.

Solid-State Drives

The majority of the modern computer today are equipped with 500GB mechanical hard drive, and this can range even high with some model having 750GB to 1TB. This is more of an individual choice, thus if you require more space on your computer then plan accordingly. However, they will be useless in buying a PC will a large amount of space and only using half.

Choosing to buy a computer with a solid state drive or a lower solid state drive,  is something of a difficult question. SSD is one of the more expensive components of a mechanical computer. The SSD does not have a tremendous in-game impact. However, we would advice one that is 200GB or greater. The reasoning is because of it critical with load times. A solid-state drive is much faster than a mechanical drive. Thus, if it usually takes 30 seconds on a standard drive.  It can only take 5 to 10 with an SSD.

Choosing an SSD–  When selecting an SSD, stick-shaped models have been reviewed to be faster than those who have more of a hard drive style. This is due to connectivity and ports being in different areas from connecting to a computer. Although, even if you do happen to get a bulkier SSD they will still perform there task and load times will again be cut in time. Also, having your SSD containing an operating system would give you great benefits. Such as quicker reboot time and fast operating in day to day use. However, we would recommend an SSD with less than 200GB of space. Additionally, if you plan to play various amounts of games, we would suggest multiple drivers. Thus one SSD can be used to host your operating system and most of the demanding games, and a secondary SSD can be your data storage for your other games and files.

Furthermore, a gaming pc is about balance. That no one component should overshadow or dominate another, and additional hardware that will not do much but raise the price are not needed. An example would be getting a 32GB of RAM and a dual-core processor. It would have been way more used to spend that specification on a fast quad-core. Thus one most restraint themselves to find the perfect balance to build a proper PC.

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